2011年7月20日 星期三

南蘇丹簽證/South Sudan visa

●申辦地點/Place of applying:南蘇丹駐坎帕拉大使館/Embassy of Southern Sudan at Kampala
●申辦時間/Date of applying:4th-5th, 七月/July, 2011
●簽證種類/Type of visa:短期旅遊通行證/short-term travel permit
●所需文件/Required documents:
Invitation Letter:A formal invitation letter from an enterprise/NGO/hotel in South Sudan is required. This letter would become valid when it is registered to the South Sudan government(immigration department), so don't forget to prepare some time for it. I'm not sure if they accept an original letter only or not.
Photo:one, passport size.
Application form
●準備方式/Solutions of required documents:
I didn't have the invitation letter;The reception told me that I just needed to prepare one photo and money when I visited the embassy at the first time. At the second time, an interview officer told me that I need the letter. I said, "you should tell me 2 weeks ago. Now I don't have time to prepare for it, as I must leave Uganda." The officer is very nice. He granted to give me the visa.
●費用/Price:50美元(只收美元),銀行匯款/50 US dollars(USD only), pay at the bank.
●工作時間/Working days:隔日下午3:00取件/get at next afternoon 3:00pm
●簽證效期/Valid period:一個月/one month
Since South Sudan is a new-born country, they might change the laws/regulations when they want to. Make sure to check the official web site about the newest requirements before you apply.
There're many check points all over Sudan(including the south). The foreigners should present this travel permit and pay 10 pounds(around $3) at some check points.
It costs $80 to apply a 3-months, multiple-entry travel permit. But it might be difficult to apply a multiple-entry permit for the ones who haven't been to Sudan before.



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