2011年7月21日 星期四

衣索比亞簽證/Ethiopia visa

(1)搭飛機/By flight
一般外國人入境衣索比亞的方法,是花錢搭飛機到Addis Ababa機場,在機場取得落地簽證,拿台灣護照的我們也可以這樣做,只是有時官員搞不清楚「Republic of China」和「People Republic of China」的差別,要跟他們解釋一番,按照我們外交部的說辭,是「我國籍人士入境衣索匹亞,可比照中國大陸港澳人民待遇,免辦簽證」,差別是我們要花20美元,拿中國護照就免費,中國在非洲這幾個國家挺罩的。
The common way to enter Ethiopia is spending some money to fly to Addis Ababa airport, paying $20 ,then you could get a visa-on-arrival there. It's easy.

衣索比亞航空(Ethiopian Airline)是飛Addis Ababa最便宜的航空公司,但它的人員、系統服務都不太好;在某些起點訂的票(例如Juba),沒辦法用信用卡付款,必須到航空公司的辦公室去,枯等十幾個小時,連黑人都等到火大。而且,拿某些護照的人(例如台灣),是要先有簽證才能買機票的,還不能買單程,必須買來回,神奇吧,要去機場才能辦簽證,但沒簽證就不能買機票。
Ethiopian Airline is the cheapest airline company flying to Addis Ababa, but the service is not good enough. You couldn't pay with credit cards and get the electronic ticket at some origin(e.g.Juba). You would be waiting for a LONG time. They even don't allow some passport holders to buy the ticket without a valid visa. Yes, you could get the visa in airport, but you couldn't buy the flight ticket without the visa.

所以,如果你要飛Addis Ababa去辦落地簽證,請找可以用信用卡付款的航空公司/起點,確認你可以拿到電子機票,然後跟機場櫃台確認登機前他們會不會檢查簽證、檢查回程機票(或離境證明),都沒問題再付錢。
If you want to get the visa-on-arrival in Addis Ababa airport, please find an airline company/origin of which you could pay with credit card and get the electronic ticket, and confirm with the check-in counter that if they would check your visa, return ticket(or departure certification) or not. Pay when you're sure that everything is OK.

(2)走陸路/By road


It would be more annoying to enter Ethiopia by road. They have embassies in nearby countries, such as Sudan, South Sudan, Kenya, Somalia, Djibouti and Eritrea, but usually they only issue visas to the residents. Some, not every, of these embassies would be able to issue visas to the foreigners, but not so many passport holders are allowed. Take Juba for example, the Ethiopia embassy here only issue visas to people from less than 20 countries. Moreover, please confirm the border situation before you apply the visa. Now the border between northern Kenya, southern Somalia and Ethiopia are closed. There's no roads neither vehicles passing through the border between South Sudan and Ethiopia. It might not be possible or cheaper to enter Ethiopia by road.

Make sure that the border you want to cross is open and safe enough, and the embassy you want to visit would be able to issue you the visa. Then you could enjoy Ethiopia overland.

9 則留言:

  1. 大大,請問一下,我現在去衣索比亞是不用準備任何東西就能申請到簽證嗎?我的e-mail 是nickmaxmis@hotmail.com,如果方便的話再麻煩你回我喔。thanks

  2. If you fly to Addis Ababa airport directly from Taiwan, you could get a visa on arrival there.
    It's better to have a return/onward ticket, check www.backpackers.com.tw about this.
    If you fly to Addis from other country, please refer the 3rd paragraph of this post.

  3. Hi Chi,

    Appreciate your offer.


  4. If I want to go from Ethiopia to Kenya by land, would I get a visa on arrival at the boarder?

  5. I think it's possible, but not sure.
    I heard some travelers did this when I was there, but that was almost 2 years ago.
    It's better to call the Ministry of Foreign Affairs(MFA) of Kenya to confirm.

    Something you might need to know:
    (1) The border passing availability in/out might not be equal. You could get a visa-on-arrival at the border to enter Uganda from Rwanda, but you cannot do it reversely. You need to get a visa in advance then pass the border to enter Rwanda.
    (2) The Kenya/Somalia border is closed most of the time because of civil wars and drugs smuggling. It's not from the Kenya/Ethiopia border.
    (3) The soldiers might not let you pass even if you have the visa. They want some bribes. Bring the number of MFA and ask them to call MFA if they do that.

  6. thanks for your time to reply. love your blog. its very inspiring and please keep traveling.

  7. 作者已經移除這則留言。

  8. correcting...
    (2) The Kenya/Somalia border is closed most of the time because of civil wars and drugs smuggling. It's not ''far" from the Kenya/Ethiopia border.

  9. 從中國單車客那裡得來的消息:

    From a Chinese cyclist:
    You could get a visa-on-arrival at the border crossing Moyale between Ethiopia and Kenya. 50 USD, 3 months stay, single entry. --2013/03/12


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