2012年1月29日 星期日

伊朗簽證/Iran visa


●Place of applying:Turkey‧Trabzon
●Date of applying:25th.Jan.2012
●Type of visa:Tourism visa
●Required documents:
(1)Application form
…The name of the person/company which you want to visit is required.
…The address during your stay is required.
(2)2 photos
●Solutions for required documents:
(1)Just write any name of a person/company in Iran, and pick an address from one of the hotels in Iran.
●Price:75 Euro
…Go to the bank they assign you on the main street.
…The staff would convert Euro to Lira sometimes with a better rate than the exchange bureaus outside.
…You would pay with Lira in cash, and have a receipt with "75 Euro" on it.
●Working days:
…I sent the application at 09:30, and got the visa at 18:00 in the same day.
●Validity:Valid for 3 months, stay up to 15 days.
(1)They have different rules of issuing visas. Many people were rejected in Istanbul. I think Trabzon is the easiest place to get Iranian visa in Turkey, also Erzurum.
(2)It's quite easy to renew your Iranian visa in Iran once you get it. Don't worry about the staying days.

4 則留言:

  1. 德黑蘭這三個字只有在槍戰遊戲裡看過

  2. 感謝肥肚寰的關心,

  3. 我比較喜歡拿SV98(以前打CS的46)


  4. 嗎的又一個CAMP龜王


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