2010年9月6日 星期一

羅馬尼亞簽證/Romania visa

●申辦地點/Place of application:羅馬尼亞駐布達佩斯大使館/Embassy of Romania at Budapest
●申辦時間/Date of application:30-31, 八月/August, 2010
●簽證種類/Type of visa:短期停留觀光簽證(C/TU)/short-stay visa for tourist purposes(C/TU)
●所需文件/Required documents:
Vouchers or firm reservations at tourist accommodation units, as well as the itinerary of the trip; People who were invited to Romania need to have invitation letters from your hosts. In case of applying with invitation letter, one doesn't need firm reservations from hotels, though the staying period is 15 days at maximum. If you apply with hotel reservations, you could stay 30 days at maximum in Romania. How many days you reserved from hotels, how many staying days you will have on the visa. 30 days reservations are needed for staying 30 days. The itinerary of the trip is just a simple description of where and when you plan to stay in Romania.
A travel ticket valid to destination, or the driving license, green card and the registration documents of the means of transport, in the case of vehicle drivers.
Medical insurance.
Proof of financial means ranging up to EUR 50/day for the entire period, but not less than EUR 500/day or the equivalent value in convertible currency.
●準備方式/Solutions of required documents:
我用訂房證明辦理;到「http://www.venere.com/」預定30天的旅館床位,這個網站大部分的預訂都不用訂金及手續費,需要的會在取消條款(cancellation policy)註明,下訂前要仔細閱讀。完成訂房程序後,網站會寄預訂證明到你的E-mail信箱,同時也可以在網頁上方的「您的預定」(Your reservations)查詢,我就把這幾頁證明印出來帶去就行了。通常在預定入住的2-3天前在這個網站取消預訂,就不會花任何費用,取消期限註明在取消條款中,網站有簡體中文版。
I use hotel reservations for applying; Visit this web site「http://www.venere.com/」to book hotels for 30 days. Most of the bookings from venere would not charge you any fees. Needed fees would be described in the cancellation policy, so please read it carefully. After completing booking procedure, you would have the certifications of hotel reservations in your mailbox, also you could check all your reservations through “Your reservations”function of the web site. I brought all these certifications to the embassy, and they accepted. Usually you would not be charged if you cancel reservations 2-3 days before the check-in date. Free-of-charge dead line of cancellation is described in cancelltion policy. Simplified Chinese is included in the web site.
Find a flight to Romania and book a seat through E-mail, print out the certification of flight booking and take to the embassy, then it's done. In case of self-driving people, please contact the embassy for detail information.
Applied in Taiwan.
Applied in Taiwan
●費用/Price:60歐元(只收歐元)/60 Euro(Euro only)
●工作時間/Working days:3個工作天/3 working days
●簽證效期/Valid period:有訂房證明的第一天到最後一天,日期訂死的。/From the beginning date until the end of all the hotel reservations. The beginning and ending dates are fixed.
The visa will be affixed on a separate sheet of paper, under the shape of a harmonized form. I might have to return it back to the customs when I leave Romania.
For more/real-time information, please visit the web site of embassy:http://budapest.mae.ro/index.php?lang=en

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